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Frequently Asked Questions About Juicing
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  • Why should I do a juice cleanse?
    People do the 5 day Boon Juice Cleanse for many reasons and it‘s important that you are clear on your own intentions before you start. Typical motivating factors include a nutritional boost, a digestive rest and reboot, a habit reset, to lose weight or inches, to increase fruit and vegetable intake, to feel healthier, to improve a skin condition or kick start a new nutritional regime.
  • How will I be supported during the cleanse?
    From the weekend before the cleanse you will have access to a dedicated WhatsApp Boon Juice Cleanse support group. This group lets you know your juice/smoothie contents by 9am daily and is a real-time platform which provides structure, accountability and a few laughs too. Everyone will have an embarrassing question to ask, everyone wants to know if their cleansing experience is normal and the camaraderie that this small group provides can mean the difference between you completing the 5 day cleanse or giving up after the first day. The group is hosted by Rachel Boon, Naturopath and Herbalist who has supervised hundreds of juice cleanses in both the community and residential retreats. You are also welcome to DM Rachel at any time during the cleanse.
  • How many juices will I get per day?
    You will get 3 x 500mls of organic, cold-pressed, glass-bottled juices per day for 4 days and 3 x 500mls of organic, hand-made smoothies for the last day. These are packed in your individual coolbag with an ice pack so you can just grab and go.
  • How will I get my juices?
    You will your collect your named coolbag full of juices daily from a sheltered wooden crate (known as Juicy Corner) outside my home at 28 Clifton Road, Worthing BN11 4DP any time after 8:30am (let us know if you need them earlier).
  • How long will my juices last in the fridge?
    As they are not pasteurised or high pressure processed (HPP) your cold-pressed juices are good for up to 48 hours if stored in airtight bottles in a cool place.
  • Why are your juices organic?
    Organic farming is better for our health, the animals and the planet. Juicing concentrates nutrients so it stands to reason it will concentrate pesticides/toxic chemicals too. If you are on a cleanse, your liver and kidneys can do without processing the extra fat and water –soluble toxins. We usually use around 90% organic produce mainly from a family owned, organic farm near Chichester.
  • What happens if you can’t source everything organically?
    Certain items we struggle to source organically (E.g pineapple and avocado), so we source conventionally grown. However, we only ever buy conventionally grown items that are not on the Dirty Dozen list of produce with high multiple pesticide retention levels - see Pesticide Action Network UK for the full list.
  • What happens to the empty glass bottles?
    Once you have drunk your juice, give your bottle a quick rinse and put back in your cool bag for returning the next day. We have a large stock of glass bottles and cool bags which are constantly washed and refilled with fresh juice. The Boon Juice Cleanse is aiming to be a zero waste business so returning and reusing clear glass juice bottles and amber glass supplement bottles helps with this.
  • Are cold-pressed juices high in sugar?
    We never add any sugar to our juices but natural sugars such as fructose, glucose and sucrose are of course present. Freshly extracted juice is the sum of all its parts, including the natural sugars, which are very different to the bleached white highly processed table sugar that has been stripped of it‘s natural nutritional components. Our varied juice line-up ensures a great mix of organic vegetable AND fruit juices (ranging from a 50:50 to a 70:30 vegetable to fruit ratio). There are no fruit-only juices on the Boon Juice Cleanse menu.
  • What if I get really hungry during the cleanse?
    you do have any passing hunger, we advise that you distract yourself and revisit your hunger after 20 minutes. Most of the time, your hunger will have passed. If you are feeling uncomfortably hungry, we advise a small handful of organic pear, apple, celery or carrot slices but most people find they don’t need these. If you do, please don’t feel guilty-it is only fruit and veg! However the act of chewing can sometimes make you feel hungrier in the long term so think carefully before you start chewing and weigh up whether it is the right thing for you.
  • What about the lack of fibre in juices?
    Rest assured, juices absolutely DO contain fibre. Whilst the juicing process separates off the bulky indigestible, insoluble fibre (which contains no nutrients) juices still contain lots of soluble fibre in the form of pectin. Pectin forms a viscous gel within our gastro-intestinal tract and helps keep our bowels open regularly. Soluble fibre absorbs cholesterol from the gut as well as acting as a prebiotic food to help encourage a healthy microbiome. You may end up having MORE soluble fibre than usual over your 5 days on the cleanse! Here is the fibre content of some commonly juiced fruit and vegetables:
  • Will I put back the weight / inches lost when I start eating normally again?
    The idea is that you DON‘T go back to eating exactly the same as you did before. The Boon Juice Cleanse is a fully supported 5-day cleanse involving specific pre-cleanse guidelines and detailed post-cleanse support. For example, lots of people give up coffee before doing the cleanse and after enduring a day or so of headaches, decide after the cleanse, that they don’t want it back in their lives. So their blood sugar levels remain balanced post-cleanse. Similarly, people often give up gluten or dairy prior to the cleanse and feel the benefits so quickly that they are reluctant to reintroduce it post-cleanse. So they experience less bloating, indigestion, flatulence and constipation post-cleanse.
  • Will I crave junk food after the cleanse?
    Absolutely not! After flooding your body with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and soluble fibre throughout the 5 day cleanse, most people find they have no desire to eat junk foods immediately after. Your taste buds change and things you previously enjoyed are not always as palatable to you. E.g, sweet things can taste too sweet and caffeine can feel too stimulating. It doesn’t last forever sadly but most people report they eat very well in the following weeks and lots go on to purchase their own juicers/blenders so they can make juices and smoothies a regular part of their day which can further assist their weight/ inch loss efforts.
  • How many times a year do you recommend doing the cleanse?
    It’s entirely up to you, your budget and your work-life balance. Any cleanse is better than no cleanse, but four times per year is optimal. Some people like to do it after periods of rich eating and drinking (e.g Christmas/New Year/birthdays) others after an indulgent holiday (e.g a week in an all inclusive hotel). Either way, your body and mind will thank you for it.
  • I have some questions!
    Great! I’d love to hear from you! Drop me an email on
  • I’m ready to get my juice on...
    Hooray! Click here for more info and how to book.


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©2020 by RACHEL BOON

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